Meridian Advantage is a discount plan for medical services exclusive of Meridian Medical Group.

Meridian Advantage plan allows you and your family to get additional discounts to the affordable prices at Meridian Medical Group, Professional Corporation in all our clinics in San Jose, San Francisco and Manteca.

Meridian Advantage is not insurance, therefore is not valid at Hospital or for emergency services outside any Meridian Medical Group Clinics.

Enrollment Fees

Single, persons 18 years Old & Over:
$ 299

Couple (Husband & Wife)*:


* Only two people who are married or who live in a free union, but not two independent persons, such as a brother and sister or two friends, are considered couples….

Plan Benefits

Office Visit:
$ 65

Minor Surgery:
30% discount

30% discount

X-Rays Medicines:
20% discount

Diagnostic Services:
35-75% discount

Access to a network of diagnostic services at discounted prices (30 to 75%) in California, Texas, Florida and New York.

** This discount applies to medicines dispensed at Meridian Medical Group clinics only.

Affiliation form

Download Membership Form

Affiliation contract
